- Australia
- Brazil
- Sweden
- Mexico
Campers will learn and have fun discovering facts about what makes each country unique, including brief histories, landmarks, coloring corresponding flags and animals, making and tasting ethnic foods, and playing games children from around the world play. Come with a sense of adventure and be ready to discover places you've never known before!
Each child will use their own World Atlas as a resource as we explore our focus countries. They'll learn to use and reference a world map that they'll get to take home at the end of camp, hopefully with a love for each country and the exciting things they'll learn! On Friday, we will have a special outing to the Clinton Presidential Center to learn all about Olympic Events held around the world!
Come ready to make new friends and have fun learning!
★9am - 1pm Tuesday - Friday for ages 5-12
★10 openings per camp. $50 per session
★Sibling Discount or Multiple Camps, $45
★Bring labeled lunch & labeled water bottle every day.★Sibling Discount or Multiple Camps, $45
★Always come wearing sunblock and clothes for play
★Email me to verify space in the camp you are interested in:
laughandlearnsummercamps@gmail.com. I will confirm by email that you have reserved a space.
★Full payment and registration forms are required 2 weeks before each camp's start date, or the space will open up to the waiting list. Emailed reminders will be sent.
More details can be found here.